COVID secure HQ
31 July 2020
As the world starts to return to some form of normality our office teams have begun the phased transition back into our HQ in Warwickshire. To ensure that safety of our teams remains paramount we have invested in a variety of safety measures to keep our teams safe and ensured everyone is briefed on how to move safely around the warehouse and office areas. The following are just some of the measures we have put in place;
- Safety screens at all work stations
- Signage throughout the office detailing social distancing guidance
- Maximum of 1 person at a time in the kitchen area
- Maximum of 1 person at a time in the washrooms
- Daily office cleaning rota
- Hand sanitisation stations throughout the office
- No shared equipment or hot desking - all teams are to use their own stationary items only
All of the team have completed COVID-19 training on their individual responsibilities and have read and signed the COVID-19 risk assesment and guidance documents.
We are aware it is everyones responsibility to stop the spread of the virus and we will continue to work safely and respectfully. It is great to see each other again and we are all enjoying seeing someone other than our furry friends!

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