A winning start to 2021!
29 January 2021
RMF Installation & Services Ltd has won a coveted National Recycling Award.
The results of the National Recycling Awards were revealed on 27 January during a virtual ceremony where the recycling sector’s leading lights gathered online to celebrate the industry’s achievements.
RMF Installation & Services Ltd has won in the Circular Economy Initiative and was praised by the National Recycling Awards expert judging panel. The judges commented on our entry;
‘This business has created a circular market in a sector that is notoriously hard to bring such materials into’
With 17 categories, the awards cover every aspect of the recycling and waste management industry, from Food Waste Initiative to Recycling Excellence.
The MRW National Recycling Awards bring together recycling and waste management professionals to recognise and celebrate best practice and innovation in recycling and waste management. The awards provide industry recognition and unrivalled networking opportunities.
Corin Williams, MRW editor, said: “The standard of entries this year was very impressive indeed and the winners had to see off a lot of stiff competition. I am once again amazed at the strength and depth in the sector.
“This has a challenging year for us all and the commitment from the thousands of employees represented at the NRAs has been inspirational. They are keeping the country going and are lighting the way to a more resource-efficient future.”
We are delighted to have been recognised for our work in the reuse sector and we hope this will continue to show our commitment to reducing the environmental impact of both us as business and the construction industry as a whole.
We look forward to when we can celebrate our achievement as a team and give our resilient team a thank you for their continued hard work and commitment.

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